How To Inform Your Building of Elevator Downtime

elevator maintenance

Everyone knows the inconvenience of an out-of-order elevator. Walking up and down several flights of stairs to get from one floor to another may be difficult for clients, employees, or visitors. However, it’s important for property managers to continue with regular maintenance or repairs when needed. Make sure to let passengers know about pending elevator down time to ensure everyone’s safety.

Notify Your Building in Advance

You should never surprise riders with elevator downtime. If the elevators are down for scheduled maintenance, give notice so everyone has time to prepare. Since you can’t always notify them in advance, make sure to provide them with a time frame for the elevator to be live again. It may be tempting to be optimistic with your estimate, but be realistic with the time frame when the repairs will be finished. You do not want them to be angry with you for the elevator being down longer than expected.

Give Your Building a Reason

Never leave the elevator’s problem a mystery. Explain why the elevator is out of service and what you plan to do to fix it. For example, if your elevator is under inspection, be specific about it. In addition to a reason for the elevator’s downtime, let riders know what they can do instead. If you have other elevators in the building, let them know to use them instead or take the stairs.

Show Understanding and Explain the Expected Result

Always apologize or mention that you understand how inconvenient the downtime is. Let them know you’ll do what you can to accommodate them and leave a contact number for questions. In addition, reassure them that the elevator will be safe when the repair or maintenance work is finished.

No one likes elevator outages, but you can escape the likelihood of complaints when you give your clients, employees, or guests notice of the downtime. At Puget Sound Elevator Company, we understand how important it is for your elevator to be up and running. Contact us today by calling 455-800-8256 or emailing us for assistance with your elevator.

Impress Your Clients with a Smooth Elevator Ride

smooth elevator ride

Everyone has experienced a poorly functioning elevator. From long wait times to unappealing lift cabs, it can affect how a client or future worker experiences your building. That’s why it’s important to make sure that your elevator is functioning at peak performance. No business or property wants to be liable for any mishaps because their elevator malfunctioned.

So, you owe it to your building and employees to make sure your elevator system is always working as it should. This will keep the patrons who use the system happy and make it more likely that they will continue to use your elevator over the stairs.

Key Steps to Please Elevator Riders

While we are not licensed psychologists, at Puget Sound Elevator Company, we know the importance of a smooth-running, reliable, safe, and clean elevator system. Some elevator users might even have a fear of using the elevator, based on a bad experience or for personal reasons. This is why our maintenance programs keep a close eye on all mechanical matters and focus on preventing these issues:

  • Elevator breakdowns that interrupt service
  • Unpleasant creaking and straining noises
  • Unappealing sights such as the look of wear and tear
  • Unpleasant smells that indicate poor cleaning practices
  • Unusual vibrations that cause a lack of confidence in riders

Proven Methods to Showcase Quality

With regular maintenance by licensed elevator professionals, you can easily avoid major repairs. It also helps to have someone clean and polish the elevator cabin daily. With the appearance of quality and the removal of performance problems, most riders will delight in taking a trip aboard a well-maintained elevator.

At Puget Sound Elevator Company, keeping up a smooth elevator is what we know best. With over 80 years of experience maintaining commercial elevators in the Seattle area, our team of elevator specialists always puts our customers first. So, make sure to contact us today at (360) 548-3895 to get your elevator evaluated!

How To Handle Getting Stuck In an Elevator

Nobody expects to get stuck in an elevator, but it does happen from time to time. Because elevators are so prevalent in many commercial buildings, it’s important you know how to handle the situation if you happen to get stuck in an elevator.

Stay Calm

We understand your discomfort at the thought of being stuck in an elevator, but it’s important you remain calm. If everyone starts getting exciting, breathing heavily because they’re panicking, the elevator could begin to get quite warm and uncomfortable. Stay calm and do your best to help others in the elevator with you to stay calm as well.

Press the Alarm Button

Elevators have alarm buttons or emergency phones you can use to call for help. The button typically has the image of a bell or a phone on it. Someone will answer your call and let you know what to do to proceed with getting rescued. In most cases, the response will be for you to all remain calm until someone on the outside is able to get you out safely. If you are unable to reach someone with the alarm button or emergency phone, see if anyone has a cell phone you can use to call for help.

Back Away From the Doors

You don’t ever want to try prying the doors open on your own. This is only going to cause injury and further damage that may result in rescuers having a harder time getting you out. Back away from the doors and wait for someone to get the door open from the outside. You want to back up so no injuries occur and you’re not in the way when someone is able to get to you.

Contact an Elevator Professional

As a commercial building owner, you never want your clients or tenants to get stuck in the elevator, and we can help you avoid it. Contact Puget Sound Elevator Company today by calling 425-800-8256 or sending an email to discuss your elevator needs.

Is Your Commercial Elevator Ready For Winter?

Winter is right around the corner. With the dropped temperatures and high winds, proper servicing is necessary to preserve the longevity and efficiency of your elevator. Preparing your elevator for cold weather is a crucial part of maintenance and without it, winter could be a nightmare for your equipment.

Choose Climate Control

If hydraulic oil thickens, the elevator may experience a sluggish start or bumpy ride. When the temperature in the machine room drops below 60 degrees, the oil becomes thick. To have extra insulation installed in your machine room can help control the temperature. Have your machine room inspected for any cracks in the seals around the vents, doors, and windows. Repair work or seal replacement can prevent wind or water from entering the elevator. Along with professional repairs, when you have a hydraulic elevator, you should run the elevator before the morning crowd to circulate the oil and warm up the lift in advance.

Upgrade Elevator Equipment

An inspection can tell you whether it’s time to upgrade or replace your elevator equipment. Don’t wait until after the cold weather hits to decide that you need to update or repair your elevator to survive the rest of the winter.

If oil temperature maintenance is a problem, then you may need to invest in a tank heater. A tank heater will keep the oil temperature raised. An electronic control valve also helps with temperature compensation. While the building may be cold, the oil remains at a proper temperature to keep the elevator ride smooth.

Power outages are another issue that you may face this winter. If your elevator does not have a hydraulic battery, then a sudden power outage may leave guests trapped inside. Instead of taking the risk, upgrade to a hydraulic battery as soon as possible.

Your winterization plan should cover all your building’s components, including the elevator. To learn more, contact Puget Sound Elevator Company by calling 425-800-8256 or sending us an email today!

Keep Elevator Costs Down, Invest in Preventative Maintenance

To keep your elevator up and running, you must have a maintenance routine. For building owners that do not focus on general upkeep, the cost of elevator maintenance later on can be a burden. In some cases, owners let maintenance slide until they have to completely replace the elevator. Preventative maintenance is all it takes to keep your elevator repair costs down.

What Do You Need to Maintain?

When it comes to elevator maintenance, there are a few components that you must pay special attention to. These are the most utilized elements in an elevator. For instance, you want to maintain the doors and the rollers. Every time the lift stops, the doors move twice. This makes the doors the most used component in the system. Often, users will prop open the doors to load and unload cargo, bang their luggage against them, and pry them open when needed.

Does the Cost Go Down?

To run an elevator costs money, but to maintain your elevator will cost you less money than if you didn’t pay attention to maintenance at all. If you ignore your maintenance contract until your system is no longer code compliant, then your elevator becomes a liability. If issues do appear, then it is going to be even more costly to repair it.

You may not see cost-savings right away when you invest in preventative maintenance. However, in the years that follow, you will notice that you have fewer problems, saving you from repair costs. This will also increase the lifespan of your elevator, delaying any major, expensive upgrades.

When you invest in proper maintenance for your elevator, you can avoid a lot of performance and safety issues. As a bonus, you will save money as well.  issues. To set up a preventative maintenance plan for your commercial elevator, contact Puget Sound Elevator Company by calling 425-800-8256 or emailing us today!  

What Keeps Your Elevator Running?

Maintenance is Key

Elevators can last for a long time, but only if you keep up with the maintenance. If you ignore elevator maintenance, you will notice that they begin to decline, quickly. Their performance deteriorates and the downtime increases. Then, once you finally arrange repairs, the costs will be even higher than they otherwise would have been.

Overheating Problems

If you don’t have a dedicated cooling system for your elevator, then you may have to deal with overheating of the control system. Elevators have a recommended temperature and humidity that you should take measures to follow.

Energy Use Problems

Elevators use a large supply of energy. What you may not realize is just how much energy it uses. Over the course of the year, you need to monitor energy usage. Older systems may be using larger amounts of power. This can wind up costing you more money in the long run.

Wait Problems

Wait problems are more than an inconvenience. You will want to have your elevator checked on a regular basis if you experience long wait times. This sometimes means that the elevator control system is beginning to develop problems.

Multiple Breakdowns

One of the biggest signs that your elevator needs maintenance or repair is frequent breaking down. As components age, they may shut down or interfere with the entire operation. Door operators undergo a lot of wear and tear.

Power Quality Problems

Most commercial buildings have a lot of computerized equipment that requires the power to be high quality. If you modify the system voltage, then you can interfere with the operation of the equipment. If your facility has a motor failure history or problems with sensitive electronic equipment, then you should perform a power quality survey.

If you have a commercial elevator, it is crucial that you keep up with regular maintenance. Regular maintenance will keep you from experiencing a lot of breakdowns or costly problems with your elevator. To learn more about how to care for your elevator, contact Puget Sound Elevator Company by calling 425-800-8256 or sending us an email today!

Elements of a Commercial Elevator Modernization

Elements of a Commercial Elevator Modernization

With the passage of time, even deluxe elevator systems need upgrades and modernization for the sake of tenant and employee safety and satisfaction. While not every elevator modernization is the same, most upgrades include the following important elements.

Update Fire Safety Measures

For the sake of every person who gets on the elevator, it is vital that all fire safety components are up-to-date and compliant with current codes. This is one of the first things the contractor will address to keep everyone safe in case of a fire.

Upgrades for ADA Compliance

Every commercial elevator must meet the standards of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The elevator company will complete a thorough evaluation of the system and make any necessary improvements to comply with the ADA requirements.

Modernize Mechanical Components

Obviously, this is another vital segment of the elevator modernization since mechanical parts wear out with time and use. The contractor will inspect cables, hydraulics, brakes, and power units, as well as evaluate door operators and call systems. The elevator company will replace worn or obsolete parts, lubricate components as necessary and install replacement systems where needed.

Protection Against Natural Disasters

With increasing awareness of natural disasters, such as earthquakes, tornadoes, and hurricanes, many commercial contractors are putting extra safety measures in place. This includes increasing elevator durability and stabilization to withstand unexpected natural events.

Renovation of the Elevator Cab and Doors

While attention to mechanical parts and safety codes provide the most important parts of the elevator modernization, this is also the perfect time to upgrade and renovate the interior to improve the riding experience for the passengers. Painting or decorating the cab and doors, installing new floors or carpets, and adding stylish touches, not only makes the elevator ride more enjoyable but also assures passengers they are using a modern, up-to-date device.

If you feel it is time to modernize the elevators in your commercial building, contact Puget Sound Elevator Company today.  Call 425-800-8256 or email us today, our team of professionals will be happy to answer your questions.

What to Know About ADA Standards and Elevators

ADA Standards and Elevators

As a building owner, you likely know about the ADA. The ADA, or Americans with Disabilities Act, has specific requirements for different aspects of a property, including the elevators. Understanding and complying to the basics of the ADA regulations will help you keep your elevators safe for all.

Basics of Elevator Provisions

There are specific ADA provisions for elevators. These provisions include the following:

  • All call buttons in the elevator have to be centered at 42 inches above the floor and should have signals to display when a call is recorded or answered
  • Elevators must stay open for 3 seconds
  • Elevators must open and close automatically and include a reopening feature
  • Elevators must have control features such as buttons and braille control designators
  • The floor of an elevator should have plenty of room for a wheelchair
  • Handrails must be at approximately 30 inches
  • Emergency control buttons should be in an accessible area

The point of these regulations is to ensure that at least one elevator in the building is accessible to all people, including those with disabilities.

Importance of Maintenance

Elevators break down from time to time, even more so when not maintained properly. When an elevator is out of order or being repaired, those who are able can take the stairs. However, the stairs are not a viable option for all, especially those who use a walker or a wheelchair to get around. Frequent breakdowns will have much more of an effect on those with disabilities. Make sure your building is safe and welcoming for all by staying up to date with maintenance and remaining ADA compliant.

If you aren’t sure that your property is up to the latest ADA standards and requirements, you can contact Puget Sound Elevator Company to assess and update your elevator. Call 425-800-8256 or email us today for more information.

Is It Time To Repair Your Elevator?

In today’s culture of commercial convenience, any building with three or more floors tends to have an elevator installed. The newer the building, the more likely this becomes. Company commitments to accessibility for all might also lead to elevator installations even in two-story buildings.

Like any other structure that people use regularly, elevators soon begin to show wear and tear. So, how do you know when it’s time to get repairs done?

Scheduled time is coming up

Ideally, you work with a responsible elevator company that has routine and preventative maintenance already scheduled. This allows you to take a proactive approach to elevator safety. These professionals can catch problems quickly and repair them before they pose further issues.

Elevators make strange sounds

Creaking and other similar noises are normal for older elevators, but they might make people fearful. There are too many horror stories of elevators malfunctioning. Thuds, squeaks, and other such noises should be investigated. Even when they are fairly normal relative to the age of the elevator systems, there are solutions that will make people feel safer.

Elevator cabs take a while to appear

Long wait times can make guests, customers, and business owners impatient. The more impractical it is to rely on stairs or escalators, the more that impatience mounts. Elevators might take a while to become available during busy times, but if you notice the time getting longer and longer, schedule inspection and maintenance.

The elevator makes strange movements

Malfunctions manifest in a number of ways. One such way is when cabs move in a strange manner. For instance, the elevator might jerk to the side, drop suddenly, or go up past a floor to then right itself again. These might seem normal after a few years of dealing with them, but they are signs of future trouble. Get these issues looked at as soon as possible.

Are you looking for a reliable elevator company in the Seattle area? Look no further than Puget Sound Elevator Company. Call 425-800-8256 or email us today to learn more!

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